Obbola Obbola

My child hood paradise! Its still a paradise tho only thing different is that im now  conected and work as i look out the window, so many smartphones and computers in the cottage by now....time to relax, kick of my shoes, run down to the cliffs and have a dip in the sea!
So miny many blueberries in the woods, will later on today pick them (all) and make a pie! Sweet As Norrland! You Rock!
Tomorrow we will have the delicacy SURSTRÖMMING for dinner, its preffered eaten outside...
Moje is in town doing her buisness, Bigge and Steffo out sopping, and the rest of us have our nosese in our phones, Ipads and macbook pros...ojoj oj where are we heading???
Two days here then moving on up north to playa the vittanche.
Enough im out, will be off picking sticks and pine (plutts)cones and make a farm or something something,

Postat av: Kajsa

Du är så supervälkommen till finfina vittangi :)

2011-07-25 @ 21:50:12
URL: http://kajsam.blogspot.com
Postat av: Soffan

Im here now where are u??? Puss

2011-07-28 @ 13:28:28
URL: http://migheja.blogg.se/

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