8 hours driving and im in the south of the north of Sweden =) Im in Söderhamn with Halmstad & Co I will promote Halmstad to the next years orienteering event O-ringen that will be held in Halmstad. We had a great day, driving was alright, had a cold beer and a piece of meat dor dinner and then a sauna and a swim nice! Go Söderhamn!
But I wounder why grownups need to make weird sounds in the Sauna??? Mhh huh öhh gnöö swhooo and pat themselfs?? Why? Not nice when you hafto sit next to them.
Super duper tired, but glad to be on my way up north!
Sleep tight!
Postat av: Eda
Vuxna gör konstiga saker..du vet..inte är alla makthavare ute i världen ungdommar iaf! or something something!
Postat av: soffan
Ja knasiga folk, something something, ooops nu brakar det loss här shuting down!