What a nice weekend
Had my cousin over for a visit, sweet. Gave her a guided tour in Halmstad and some of my favourite places in the region. We went down to Grötvik, gave her a quick show of Tylösand, Mjellby art museum where we hade lunch (thank´s Anna), then we ate an Italian ice cream at Möllegård (thank´s Anna!) it´s just fantastic! Then we headed in to town and walked around in the empty city centre, and she was of again. Nice day in the sun! My roomies are back! It´s been empty, lucky Katrin stayed over this weekend, to quiet in the house without the boys! We had a BBQ yesterday, Magi + 2 Aussis and Emil and Anton joined in, acctually made a succesful mudcake this time (followed the recepie, not as fun as freestyling...but much more tasty...)
The canoila feilds just outside Mjellby, just love the bright yellow flowers, sure makes me happy! Mjellby art museum got a show with Nordic surrealism at the moment, and that gengre of art I do appriciate al lot, nothing is inside of the box, talk about letting loose, it´s like a dream, weird and loveable!
Tylösand at a good day and art from the gallery at Hotel Tylösand, tres Hombres.Me and Katrin made scones, my favourite breakfast! Kajsa we use Not2Hot very offten!
This is where I want to live! Such a nice place! Not to far of just 15 minutes from Halmstad.
Hello hey!
The weekend also offerd plenty of kids in every size. On saturday me and Frida took the kids to Halmstads kids celebration in the park. Heaps and heaps of kids in variated age and size, baloons, prams, parents and sausages for hungry little tummies. Frida loaned me one of her kids so i could practise (in case of..), and its really not a walk in the park, taking a pram for a ride....people al over the show! I´m super impressed with parents, how do the manage, sweat started to drip and after 30 minutes I was kind of enoyed of al the bikers and lazy strollers on the pavemnet.....get our of my way cant you see I got a baby on board!!! Wanted to shout but just gave a vauge smile and 1000 angry eyes...
After that I was worthy a cold one and a big bag of sweets! I had to rest in Fridas couch for an hour or two...
Well the kids weekend wasn´t over, sunday it was Mayas big first year celebration. same thing kids in al sizes you can imagine, i stuck to a corner of the garden with Ellie, shes not a big fan of crowds either...But the do come with joy!
Happy weekend! Now new begginings! Sweet as!
The week that passed
Has been great, the wedding fas super fun and before we went down to Skåne Ida, Valter, Kajsa, Pappa and Päivi stayed in Halmstad for two days. They rented bikes from Halmstad cykeluthyrning, had a look around town, went shopping (its fun shopping for someone else and my brother do have great taste), had BBQ and went to Anki and Pelle for a yummie dinner! Love having my family over for a visit....sucks that they live so far far far away...I bit lonely now when they left, lucky I have to roomies, otherwise it would have been far to quiet in the little house!
Skateboarding and riding the bikes, did a lot of it!
"Fika" out in town
The rest of the week I have been swimming in the salt water pool at Simstadion, did "Kaffe med dopp" with Katrin the oter day, perfekt wakeup, beautiful morning swim, love that place and its for free, eaven better...Sweet as!
Yesterday we went to Mjellby art museum, pretty cool place, the home of the surrealistic Halmstad group. The have a childrens workshop every sunday, need to borrow a kid so I can join (only one adult/kid) they do heaps of cool surrealistic stuff! It was a peice of magic, kind of Dalí atmosphere on the place. Felt like when me and my grandmoter went to Salvador Dalís museum in Figueres in Spain, weirdest place ever but som much character and inspiration, it felt like you could be a bit weird in that place and acctually fit in!
Buen fin de semana!
Im taking the plunge
Had such a nice weekend! What can i say my sister makes a beautiful bride and she and Anders really hoasted a perfect party! Need to say that my family really knows how to have fun, we rock!
The Bride!
Towards to the town hall to seal the deal! Cool kids, we like the shape of our sunnies haha! Love!
Heaps and heaps of laughter!
Dad and daughter, streaching... and me and my cool grandmother, Moje!
Thank´s for all the laughs, love and good times! Hope to see you soon! Puss