What a nice weekend
Had my cousin over for a visit, sweet. Gave her a guided tour in Halmstad and some of my favourite places in the region. We went down to Grötvik, gave her a quick show of Tylösand, Mjellby art museum where we hade lunch (thank´s Anna), then we ate an Italian ice cream at Möllegård (thank´s Anna!) it´s just fantastic! Then we headed in to town and walked around in the empty city centre, and she was of again. Nice day in the sun! My roomies are back! It´s been empty, lucky Katrin stayed over this weekend, to quiet in the house without the boys! We had a BBQ yesterday, Magi + 2 Aussis and Emil and Anton joined in, acctually made a succesful mudcake this time (followed the recepie, not as fun as freestyling...but much more tasty...)
The canoila feilds just outside Mjellby, just love the bright yellow flowers, sure makes me happy! Mjellby art museum got a show with Nordic surrealism at the moment, and that gengre of art I do appriciate al lot, nothing is inside of the box, talk about letting loose, it´s like a dream, weird and loveable!
Tylösand at a good day and art from the gallery at Hotel Tylösand, tres Hombres.Me and Katrin made scones, my favourite breakfast! Kajsa we use Not2Hot very offten!
This is where I want to live! Such a nice place! Not to far of just 15 minutes from Halmstad.
Den sista gården såg ju ut sm drömgården.. Fast jag har jumin drömgård här nu.. =) Selma hälsar.. Puss
Jag saknar dig din knasboll:) När jag kommer nästa gång vill jag också äta scones! Mmmmm
Ja du har din drömgård Emma, men det där kan få vara min! Hälsa Selma! Puss
Jess när du komemr ska du få så mpnga scones du bara vill! Kom snart!!!